Monday, 9 November 2015

GTP Nustyle Brand and Promotion

Guaranteed Textiles Print (GTP) which is one of the most revered and highly
patronized company in cloth production has come to be a trusted brand in
our country. They have been known nationwide for producing very colourful,
beautiful and quality cloth. Most of the colourful clothes we see flashing
over our eyes in town in recent times are made of GTP. The company after a
long time of existence saw the need to re-brand their cloth production to
appeal to customers and attract more patronisers thus the birth of GTP
Nustyle. They also considered the fact that, the new brand won’t just sell
on its own and that it needed to be promoted to some extent. The tools used
for the promotion are advertisements (TV ads, print Ads and on Billboards),
sponsorship of events and sales promotion mechanism through the GTP Oga

GTP are into sponsoring events like Ghana’s most beautiful pageant, Shirley
Frimpong-Manso’s movie production firm and many other events or programs.
You’ll realize that the people involved in such sponsored events or
programs are clothed in GTP Nustlye prints.
by Phylis Lamptey

GTP Nustyle models

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